Terms and Conditions

Terms and conditions for using this site

The use of this site by you is conditional upon the compliance with the general conditions of access and use detailed below (the ”General Conditions”), as well as upon the compliance with the package of applicable laws. When you access the site, when using and reading it, you implicitly and unconditionally accept the General Conditions, which prevail upon any other agreement that you might have with Helinick, with all the members of its commercial network or only with a part of them.

Intellectual property rights

Helinick is the holder of this site. The photos, texts, tag lines, drawings, images, the animated shots audio or not, and all the integrated works of this site are the propriety of Helinick or of third parties who have authorized Helinick to use them.

The reproductions, on paper or digital, of the site mentioned above are authorized provided that they are meant for strictly personal use only, excluding any utilization with advertising and/or commercial and/or information intentions, in order to ensure their compliance with the legal provisions regarding the intellectual property.

Except for the above-referred instructions, any copy, presentation, utilization or partial or total modification of the site, irrespective of the procedure or media thereof, without prior authorization from Helinick, is strictly prohibited, and is considered an offence punishable according to the applicable laws.

Trademark rights

The Helinick name, the Helinick logos, the Helinick tag line, ”Safety through technology”, are trademarks registered by Helinick.
The multiplication, counterfeiting, usage or application of these trademarks without the prior written authorization of Helinick is considered an offence punishable according to the applicable laws.

Information about products and services

These pages are a general presentation of the range of products and services distributed in Romania by Helinick. Helinick assumes no responsibility for the product and service images on the site, which are posted for presentation purposes.
Helinick reserves the right to modify/update the information on the present internet site, without prior notice, taking into account the interactive feature of the site, however the respective changes shall not entail the responsibility of Helinick, of their network members or employees.


Placing a hyperlink on the www.helinick.ro site requires a preliminary authorization in writing from Helinick. If you wish to place a hyperlink on our site, therefore you have to contact the person in charge of the www.helinick.ro.
Helinick will not, by any means, be made responsible for making available certain sites represented by a hyperlink on the www.helinick.ro site, and does not assume any liability of any kind whatsoever for the content, products, services, etc. available on these sites or leaving from these sites.

Limitation of liability

The user shall use our site on the latter’s own risk. Helinick, its affiliates, members of its network will not, by any means, be held responsible for any direct or indirect damages, and especially for material damage, losing of data or program, financial damage, resulting from accessing or using this site or all the other sites connected to this one. The content of the site is presented without any warranty of any kind whatsoever.

The information about the products and services correspond to a definition at the moment of their editing or when updating various pages of the site; such information is offered only for information purposes, and therefore is not, and cannot be deemed to be, a contractual offer of the products and services offered by Helinick, its affiliates or the members of its network. Errors and omissions may occur.

The access to products and services presented on the site can be the object of some restrictions. You must assure that the law of the country where the connection is established will authorize you to access our site.

Govering law

These General Conditions, as well as any dispute arising out or in connection with the clauses of these General Clauses, or from accessing / operation / unavailability of this site shall be governed by the Romanian domestic law. The language of the General Conditions and of the site is Romanian. In case of dispute shall be referred for settlement solely to the Romanian courts of jurisdiction.

Updating the general conditions

Helinick reserves the right to modify and update in any moment the access to the site, and also the General Conditions. These modifications and updates are binding upon/applicable to the user as soon as they are posted on the site; therefore, the user has to check on regular basis this section, in order to verify whether the General Conditions are effective.