Helinick is an integrator of electronic security and safety platforms
We provide turn-key top quality solutions and services, tailored to each client’s needs. Understanding the clients and finding the right solutions guarantees our performance and provides security, and when it comes to solutions, professional training, technology and quality services are essential.
HELINICK: Integration and Innovation in Security Systems – Adding Value to Your Business
HELINICK prides itself on its ability to integrate complex security and safety systems, offering turnkey solutions tailored to the needs of each client.
From integrated security systems to building management solutions and parking systems, we strive to offer the latest technology and superior quality services.
If you are interested in finding out how our integrated systems can add value to your business, fill out the form below, and we will contact you to discuss the right solutions for you.
Integrated Systems
We promote the integrated systems segment, being one of the first companies on the Romanian security market that implemented such a concept.

Thus, we are successfully integrating complex platforms that cover all functions and facilities demanded by an integrated security and safety management system. We are fast responders and we adjust to the requirements imposed by medium and high security applications, by using the most advanced technologies of the world leaders into the field.
Building Management System
Tehnologia necesara pentru a crea o cladire inteligenta a devenit de-a lungul timpului un must have pentru orice tip de cladire: industriala, birouri ,hotel, depozit, sali de concerte etc.

We support our bussiness partners with a new building management system, the -Metasys® System- by Johnson Controls.
We provide a wide range of solutions and systems that converge towards the concept of “intelligent building”. The used technologies bring major benefits regarding the optimization of resources involved within the efficient building administration. BMS solutions help to a centralized and efficient operation of all HVAC resources, energy, lighting, security and safety.
Parking management system
He have officially become the partners of Swiss company VonBallmoos – one of the most important European producers of parking management systems and control acces.

The VonBallmoos automatic parking system utilises the renowned barcode technology. This system is ideally integrated for smaller parking lots, and is extremely certain in processing short term parking tickets and seasonal passes.
The VonBallmoons system is made to help smooth traffic and for efficient monitoring, with minimal costs, of transit activities in a parking lot.
The VonBallmoos Parking Management system allows for administration, technical assistance, of an area of a parking lot, as well as every associated operation (entering, stopping, taxing, exiting) stored in a data base, subsequently being available for performing statistical reports.
With the help of a single operator , vehicle access and evacuation are closely monitored, then taxed, thereby resulting in a maximum operational efficiency.
The advantages we offer in our business relationship with our clients are: implementation, assembly and start-up of all our commercialized systems; professional technical advice and the monitoring of the project in every stage of it`s development, and last but not least a team of specialized engineers that support every project with documentation and the latest technical know-how.