April 10, 2017

Helinick a demarat un nou proiect: Stadionul Craiova

In primul trimestru al acestui an, Helinick a demarat un nou proiect de securitate, Stadionul Craiova. Vorbim de un Sistem Integrat de Securitate format din sistemele […]
March 2, 2017

Certificate of Recognition Presented to Helinick Silver Certified 2017

Helinick reconfirm technical skills in implementing and integrating solutions, services and maintenance skills, proper to Honeywell requirements. This recertification further enhances Helinick services offered to partners […]
February 17, 2017

„Once upon a time in Romania and now in Texas”

Ovidiu Ciurte, Mihai Gheorghe&Vlad Craciunescu made glory at MIPS-2017 in San Antonio, TEXAS. Milestone hosted its 12th annual Miestone Integration Platform Symposium (MIPS) event at JW […]
February 16, 2017

Milestone Integration Platform Symposium (MIPS), San Antonio, Texas: They won the big price