Helinick obtain INSEMEX Certificate

Helinick obtain INSEMEX Certificate for the Design, Installation and Maintenance of Installations from Potentially Explosive Environments

Considering the mission and the values of the company, since July 2016, the technical group GANEx constituted at the National Institute of Research – Development INSEMEX Petrosani, has granted HELINICK the INSEMEX certificate. The audit of the verification requirements to ensure optimal operation of the design, installation, operation, maintenance and repair technical systems that operate in potentially explosive atmospheres caused by gas, vapor, mist and / or combustible dusts was held at HELINICK by team of specialists within INSEMEX Petrosani.
To obtain the certificate, HELINICK employees have been trained and certified by INSEMEX-OCP, accredited by RENAR, demonstrating in front of the customers the fact that Helinick has specific competences.